
Safety is often nothing more than common sense! It is generally accepted that at least 85% of all accidents are preventable. Taking personal responsibility for your work habits and work area and recognizing that an accident is most likely preventable is the first step to a safer workplace.

Remember: “If I am the one who has an accident, I am the one who is going to suffer the pain and the potential loss of income.”

Commons Sense Guidelines for Safety:

Be alert. Most accidents occur because you or someone around you is not paying attention to what they are doing.

Watch out for the other guy. Note what your fellow employees are doing around you. Ensure that people are not acting irresponsibly or putting you or them in a potentially dangerous situation.

Dress for safety. Do not wear loose fitting clothes, tie back or otherwise restrain long hair. Tie your shoes.

Wear all appropriate personal protective equipment. Never take short cuts and always take the time to wear your safety glasses, hard hats, work boots, safety gloves, fall protection, etc., no matter how inconvenient it may seem at the time.

Read and follow manufacturer’s label directions or MSDS on safe use, handling, and storage of chemicals, pesticides, or cleaning supplies.

Do not operate any equipment on which you have not received adequate training.

Constantly inspect your work area for hazards.

Observe good housekeeping and keep your area clean and hazard free.

Keep aisle-ways, walkways, and stairways clear and never obstruct exits. Watch for and correct any trip hazards, spills, or leaks as they occur to prevent slips and falls.

Observe proper lifting techniques. Do not attempt to lift or move objects which are too heavy to safely lift alone or without the aid of equipment.

Take safety seriously. Get involved with your safety program. Bring up work site hazards to management and provide feedback and input during the safety meetings.

Constantly inspect your tools and equipment for defects such as missing or inoperable machine guards. Do not operate unsafe tools or equipment.

Clean up your work at the end of the day or as needed. Lock up equipment and secure your work area. Label and guard all hazards.

Brush up on your First Aid skills and frequently inspect the supplies in your first aid kit.

Ask questions. If you are unsure of the safe way to perform a task or simply need assistance ask questions.

Ask for help. Never be afraid to ask management or fellow employees for assistance.

Common sense safety is often simply thinking before doing.

What might, or will, happen if I do it this way?

Is the way I’m planning to do this safe?

Following common sense safety guidelines and working responsibly is everyone’s job.

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