

Routine work can affect general alertness, and the caution that is required to stay safe on the job.

If you are traveling the same route over the same roads, or repeating the same tasks, the odds of an accident occurring can increase. Periodically, it is helpful to review the ever-present hazards in your job with safety training.

Workers may not always recognize the importance of safety training or think of it as unnecessary because they have “been doing it for years” but an important benefit of periodic safety training is the reminder that a danger can exist and the no one is immune to accidents.

Safety training should be focused, so that the material is presented to match the job task steps, often referred to as a job hazard analysis (JHA).

Make sure every worker understands the training material; not just that they attended, or a test was given. If language is a barrier try to provide an interpreter.

Insist on questions from trainees after a session to tell you what did or did not sink in.

This will let you know what must be reviewed again. If there is a general lack of understanding of hazards or safety rules and practices, schedule another safety meeting or plan a refresher course for a later date.

Employees should be able to immediately practice and apply new knowledge and safety skills.

There should be immediate feedback from workers regarding tasks that are being done both safely and unsafely.

Supervisors should watch employees do their jobs and question them to identify what they do, or do not, know.

Most of these tips are relatively simple and inexpensive solutions, but the payoff for safety training can help productivity and lower the risk of lost time due to injury. Remember, training is only effective when workers understand, and use, what they have learned.

Let’s be safe out there!

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